Friday, August 22, 2008

annasyiid (masa kanak2)

(the more we get together)

the more we get gether
the more we get together..the happier we are
all my friends, are ur friends
and my friend, are ur friends
the more we get together
together we are

(lupa judulnya)

twinkle2x little star
how i wonder what u are
up above the word so high
like a dimond in the sky

twinkle2x little star
who made u there as u are
up above the world so high
like a dimond in the sky
twinkle2x little star
who made u there as u are

(lupa judul jg)

one day i wake up early
i saw the sun was high
one day i selpt with early
i saw the moon was high

what is the sun what is the moon
so different yet a like
who made the sun who made the moon
so different yet a like

i open the holy quraan
and found to my the light
the moon was but areflection
of mister sun's light

Allah almighty said that so
in the holy quraan

fourteen hundred years a go
oh the holy quraan

the quraan oh so holy
no antruth in it all

(lupa judul jg)

oh when feel u sad
oh feel bad
say laa illa ha illallah

only Allah3x
can help you

he is near2x
do not feel2x

only Allah can help u
certainly Allah can help u

(judul lupa lg)

lii yadaanii...yumna wa yusro..
fii kulli yadin khomsu ashobi'ah
alibhamu, asaasabatu, al wustho
albinshoru, al khinshoru

(judul lupa lg)

whe u start working don't forget to say bismillah3x

everything u do
u better begin with bismillah

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